Helping people through intervention & advocacy
Welcome to the Well in the Desert
Giving hope, love, compassion, and dignity to those we serve. We do not give up on those who are lost, never stop caring about what they are going through, never stop thinking they can overcome their troubles. We call ourselves the family of the Well. We invite you to become part of it in whatever way you choose.
Programs for property prevention, services for poverty intervention and an organized effort to advocate for the poor.
Our presence in Palm Springs over the last 27 years has been vital to both those in need and the community at large. We are a positive force in the community, and will continue to provide these services to all in the City of Palm Springs.
We have made huge strides over the years and are known by all for the good work we do in feeding homeless and those with food insecurities.
D o n a t e T o d a y
Financial donations are what keep “food on the table.” We exist because of individual donors like yourself. No donation is too small, nor too big. Our yearly budget of $450,000.00 provides food and services to thousands of people. Churches, individuals and Foundations are what make it possible for us to do our job of helping others.
Please click the “Donate” button above for online donations
via Paypal, or send your check to:
Well in the Desert
PO Box 5312
Palm Springs, CA 92263
Well in the Desert is a 501(c)3 non-profit, tax id # 33-0694580.
Your donation is 100% tax deductible, please consult
your tax expert for more information on charitable giving.