January 9, 2019
Dear Friends & Supporters of the Well in the Desert:
We all would like to wish all of you a very healthy and fulfilled 2019 and let you know about 2018. Thanks to all of you the Well was able to grow significantly with our programs, our services, and the support we offer to people who are homeless and those who are economically challenged, working two and three jobs at minimum wage to support their families.
With our food distribution program we were able to put more food on peoples’ tables than ever before. We were also able to provide reading books along with extra fresh fruits and vegetables to the children over the 3.5 months of summer. Our cooling center provided showers, clean clothes, coffee and snacks, and was a place of refuge during the scorching summer months, and now acts as one during the extreme cold.
Our outreach services continued to provide morning coffee, snacks & more, and rides to the center. We expanded our help to those who are economically challenged, by providing increased rental and utility assistance.
Our village grew, thanks to you who wrote checks, made donations, provided clothing, water, and so many other vital things that were needed.
So now 2019 is upon us and I would like us to start the New Year with loving largesse, and that involves you.
This will be the 15th year I am volunteer President and CEO of the Well, and it will also be my 75th birthday. I am grateful for all these years.
Can you start our new year with a donation? Everything helps us do all that we do, and more. Please send a check to P.O. Box 5312, Palm Springs, 92263, or go online and donate here.
Please visit our new web site, www.wellinthedesert.org
Our Grand Finale was Christmas at the Convention Center, with close to 2,000 people in attendance. Gifts went to children whose parents said that would be their child’s gift for Christmas, and gift cards went to teens and seniors. You, the community, made that happen.
We are a dedicated group of people who believe that giving to those in need is one of the most sacred thing we can do in our lives.
Please join us in our mission. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Arlene R.